Esplorando i legami tra la cultura romaní ed il campo della traduzione

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<i>The Romani Library Project</i>
The Romani Library Project

The International Romani Writers' Association, IRWA (Kansainvälinen Romanikirjailijaliitto), based in Karjaa, Finland collaborated in The Romani Library Project, which sought to translate, publish and distribute works of modern Romani literature. The project was transferred to the Next Page Foundation, and while it did not reach completion according to the original plan, the final results are listed on the Next Page Foundation page (scroll down to "interim results").

Excerpt from the original project described on the IRWA site:

The Romani Library project aims to promote and make available across Europe modern literature of the Roma culture. Its origins lie in a collaboration between expert academic institutions, European publishers with an intercultural perspective, Roma cultural organisations and Non-Governmental Organisations with experience in Romani publishing.

The principal focus is on the selection, translation, publication, distribution and promotion of significant works of modern Romani literature under the banner “Romani Library” (RL). The multilingual edition will consist of a total of thirty volumes, five in each of German, English, French, Romani, Swedish and Hungarian. 

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