Rodindoi phanglimata mashkar Rromani kultura hai e niva tolmachimaski
Translation Romani
Interpretimasko Sikayvimos

Kakya partiya thol pe lista le resursi hai referentsiyi disponibli (ramome hai po-Interneto) te arakhadyol mai but spesifikno informatsiya pe edukatsiya hai sikayimos te preparisavol vash pramatni hai akademikoske  pramati ando interpretimos.

Professional Conference Interpreters Worldwide (AIIC) will publish a directory of interpreting schools and programs in 2011.

HG.Org United States "State Court Interpretation Services and Certification" directory and resources online.

Interpreter Training Resources (ITR) website - Andy Gillies and Aymeric de Poyen.

Pöchhacker, Franz, "The role of research in interpreter education", published in The International Journal for Translation & Interpreting Research ( in 2010 and available online.

Ertl, Anita and Sonja Pöllabauer, "Training (Medical) Interpreters—the Key to Good Practice. MedInt: A Joint European Training Perspective", University of Graz, published in JoSTrans and available online.

European Society for Translation Studies: Translator-Training Institutions worldwide (most comprehensive list; also includes interpreting)

American Translators Association: List of Approved Translation and Interpreting Schools (international)

Kearns, John (ed), Translator and Interpreter Training: Issues, Methods and Debates, Continuum Studies in Translation, London / New York: Continuum, 2008.

Kelly, Nataly, "Interpreter Certification Programs in the U.S. Where Are We Headed?", ATA Chronicle, Jan 2007. Available online.


Translation Romani

Kolkorro Rromano swato Other Romani Word
komputeri (Kalderash)
kompjutero (Gurbeti)
o komjuteri (Lovari)
Komjuteri (Xoraxane)
 computer (EN)  computador (PT)  ordinateur (FR)  computadora (ES)  Computer (DE)  számítógép (HU)  computer (IT)  bilgisayar (TR)  počítač (CS)

Kames te tolmachis kakya patrin?
Kamas-manges te tolmachis kako artikulo ande kiri shib? Te plachal tut, trade tiri tolmachiya ka Yekh data kana parrudyilo, kam-avel ankalado po saito.