L'exploration des liens entre la culture romani et le domaine de la traduction

Translation Romani a décidé de maintenir l’usage du terme « romani » dans toutes les versions linguistiques du site, inclusivement et en référence autant à la langue qu’aux peuples des diverses communautés ethniques de par le monde, par exemple roma, sinti, manuš, calé, romanichelle, kalé, et plusieurs autres. Veuillez lire les notes importantes des traducteurs pour obtenir de plus amples explications et d’autres traductions utilisées actuellement à l’échelle locale, régionale et nationale.

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Translation Romani

Cette section comprend certaines ressources (imprimées et en ligne) professionnelles et académiques disponibles pour obtenir plus d'information sur les technologies en traduction, la localisation, la traduction automatique, le sous-titrage et la gestion de projets multilingues.

International Association for Machine Translation -- European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT), Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA), and Asian-Pacific Association for Machine Translation (AAMT).

European Commission -- Machine Translation Service -- MT@EC service action plan.

John Hutchins (U.K.)  list of publications on machine translation, computer-based translation technologies, linguistics and other topics.

Philipp Koehn (Edinburgh, Scotland), Statistical Machine Translation site.

Localisation Research Centre (LRC) -- Limerick, Ireland.

Centre for Next Generation Localisation (CNGL) -- Limerick, Ireland.

Centre for Next Generation Localisation Localisation Careers Guide.

Multilingual journal -- Sandpoint, Idaho -- professional magazine focusing on language, culture, technologies for global communication and business.

Machine Translation journal -- SpringerLink publisher.

iTranslate4.eu -- user input translated by different translation systems.

Translation Automation (TAUS) -- translation and technologies.

TranslatorsTraining -- Jost Zetzsche, computer-assisted translation (CAT) and localization tools.

International Federation of Translators (FIT) -- Basel, Switzerland. Available in English and in French.

American Translators Association (ATA) -- Alexandria, Virginia (United States). Publishes "Translation: Getting it Right" in English, French, German, Italian, Dutch, and Czech.

Canadian Association for Translation Studies (CATS) -- Ottawa,Ontario (Canada). Available in English and in French.

Canadian Translators,Terminologists and Interpreters Council (CTTIC) -- Ottawa. Website available in English and in French.

European Society for Translation Studies (EST) -- Belgium. Available in English, Spanish, German, French, Korean, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese. Has extensive Resources page, and is present on Facebook

Helge Niska's list of conferences (based in Sweden) in translation, interpreting, LSP, and terminology organized globally.

John Benjamins Publishing Company -- Amsterdam, Netherlands. Publications on translation and interpreting studies.

St. Jerome Publishing -- U.K. -- Publications on translation and interpreting studies.

Routledge -- U.S. and U.K. -- translation and interpretation books.

Handbook of Translation Studies Online (2010) and Translation Studies Bibliography Online (2004) (John Benjamins Publishing).

Translation Journal  -- Gabe Bokor (U.S.) edits this online journal for translators by translators about translators and translation.

TranslationDirectory.com Articles for translators and for translation companies: Articles on Translation Theory.

Journal of Specialised Translation (JoSTrans) -- Lucile Desblache (London, U.K.) edits this online journal.

Translators Without Borders (TWB) -- Website and Facebook.

RedT (translators and interpreters working in high-risk settings) -- New York, NY. Website and Facebook.

Translation Romani

Mot romani au hasard Other Romani Word
Lashi mismeri (Kalderash)
Lačho djive (Gurbeti)
Lasho dyes! (Lovari)
Sukar/Latcho mismeri (Xoraxane)
 Good afternoon (EN)  Boa tarde (PT)  Bon après-midi (FR)  Buenas tardes. (ES)  Guten Tag (DE)  Jó napot (HU)  Buongiorno (IT)  Tünaydın (TR)  Dobré odpoledne (CS)

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